Trill Machine: A Thrilling Voice Processing Device

Unique Gadgets Designed by Lichen Wang

Inspired by the concept of serious superficiality, Trill Machine is a series of interactive gadgets that allow users to vibrate their voices in unique ways. Designed by Lichen Wang, this collection challenges traditional notions of functionality and purpose in design.

Trill Machine consists of three independent elements - Air, Wave, and Necklace - each employing different techniques to thrill the voice. Despite their seemingly superficial purposes, these gadgets are meticulously designed and packaged, showcasing the dedication behind their seemingly meaningless design.

The Air gadget, resembling a speaker, features a running fan that can be used to vibrate the voice. By turning on the fan and speaking into it, users can experience a thrilling effect as their voice passes through the fan.

The Wave gadget, on the other hand, incorporates a pedal and a screen. By stepping on the pedal, users can generate a waving graphic on the screen that fluctuates in response to the speed of pedaling. The sound produced during this action is also vibrated, adding an interactive and thrilling element to the experience.

The Necklace gadget takes a more physical approach to thrilling the voice. It features a piston that impacts the neck, creating vibrations that enhance the voice. Users can adjust the speed of the impact using a switch on the necklace.

Trill Machine utilizes simple circuits, engine, and piston components for its power system. The data from the pressure sensor is processed using a combination of Arduino and Processing, generating dynamic graphics and enhancing the overall experience.

With dimensions ranging from 300 x 200 x 500mm to 600 x 500 x 700mm, these gadgets stand individually, showcasing their unique forms and structures.

Trill Machine, with its cold joke, kitsch aesthetics, and code-driven interactions, challenges the boundaries of design and invites users to explore the possibilities of voice manipulation. It is a testament to Lichen Wang's creativity and dedication to pushing the boundaries of design.

Images: Photographer Lichen Wang, 2018.

Intellectual Property: Copyrights belong to Lichen Wang, 2018.

Awards: Trill Machine was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Fine Arts and Art Installation Design category in 2019. This prestigious award recognizes the innovative and practical nature of the design, as well as its contribution to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Lichen Wang
Image Credits: #1: Photographer Lichen Wang, 2018. #2: Photographer Lichen Wang, 2018. #3: Photographer Lichen Wang, 2018. #4: Photographer Lichen Wang, 2018. #5: Photographer Lichen Wang, 2018.
Project Team Members: Lichen Wang
Project Name: Trill Machine
Project Client: Lichen Wang

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